I plan on trying out Advent of Code this year in Python as a way of building my puzzle/problem-solving skills!
Check out my code here!
Okay, so I've gotten extremely behind on this (pretty much right away), so I may or may not be able to complete a ton! (Don't judge me.)
During Hacktoberfest 2024, I contributed to open-source projects by submitting pull requests, improving documentation, and fixing bugs. It was a rewarding experience that enhanced my collaboration and coding skills.
Check out my contributions on GitHub:
This very website you're exploring is one of my projects! Built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, it's designed to showcase my work, skills, and of course, my cat Rusty. Feel free to browse around and check out my creations.
In this choose-your-own-adventure game, Rusty the cat explores a world filled with mysteries and puzzles. Players can guide Rusty through different locations, make choices, and battle characters. Developed using Python, this game features classes for monsters and various combat mechanics. This is an ongoing project!
Click here to view the code: